Abraham Taylor Soldier Details and Documents

Soldier Information

Name: Abraham Taylor
Place of Birth: Oldham KY Year of Birth: 1844
Eyes: Dark Hair: Dark Complexion: Dark
Height in Feet:
5 Inches: 3
View Ledger

Enlistment Information

Enlistment Date: February 10, 1865
Enlistment Place: Louisville
Enlistment State: KY

Compiled Military Service Record

Document: View
Congressional District:
Company: B Regiment(s): 125th USCI
Mustered Where: Louisville, KY
Mustered Out Date: December 20, 1867
Rank at Muster Out: Private

Having enlisted in Louisville, KY, 02/10/1865, during service the soldier was absent periodically detached to duty as guard for Governor Mitchell to Santa Fe, NM, with one muster period being for 06/15/1866. In 09/1866, soldier was promoted to Corporal. Soldier was detailed to Ft. Craig, NM, 05/28/1867, and 05 and 06/1867 detached to service at Ft. McRae, NM. Soldier came under charges due to being intoxicated and unable to attend retreat roll call in 09/1867 at Ft. Craig, NM. By sentence of the Garrison Court Martial, the soldier was reduced in rank and mustered out as a Private. Soldier was due $40 at muster out, 12/20/1867, at Ft. Leavenworth, KS, and a bounty of $200 was recorded paid.

Soldier Death Information

Died in war? No
Military Death Date:
Military Death Location:
Military Cause of Death:
Death Date: February 18, 1898
Cause of Death: Paralysis
Death Certificate

Soldier Pension Information

Pension Card Link: Pension Card
Pension Application Date: February 7, 1889
Application No.: 689046 Certificate No.: 669878
Alternate First Name: Alternate Last Name:

No widow pension card found

No other family pension card found

Pension File Information

Pension File:

Pensioner County:  Pensioner State:
Number of Pages:

Pension Notes:

Pension Index Card (Ancestry) indicated that the soldier filed an invalid pension application, #689046, from KY on 7 Feb 1889, based on service in Co. B 125th Reg USC Infantry, and was awarded same, Certificate # 669878.

Freedman’s Bank/Freedmen’s Bureau Information

No Freedman’s Bank information found

No Freedmen’s Bureau Documents found

Family Information

Mother First Name:   Mother Maiden Name: 
Father First Name:   Father Last Name:

Wife #1 First Name: Maiden Name:
Wife #2 First Name:  Maiden Name:
Wife #3 First Name:  Maiden Name:

Family Notes:

Soldier was documented in a mortuary record as being single and to have passed away in Louisville, KY, on 02/18/1898, at age 53, due to paralysis. Soldier’s last known address was 777 Center Street, Ward 8, Louisville, KY.

No family members were confirmed for Abraham Taylor.

Family Tree: View
View Family Tree on Ancestry.com Please note: this requires a paid Ancestry.com account to view

1870 Census

1870 Census Link: View
1870 Profession: Works in Tan Yard
1870 Live with/near former enslaver? Unknown
1870 Real Estate Value: 1870 Personal Estate Value:
1870 Ability to Read? Unknown Ability to Write? Unknown
1870 Census Notes:

Research disclosed a name match for the soldier only on the 1870 census in Jefferson County, KY, at age 24 (1846, KY), where he was living in the Martin Johnson household. He, Taylor, was working in a tan yard. No estate or education information (ability to read/write) was set forth.

1880 Census

1880 Census information not found

1890 Census

1890 Census information not found

1900 Census

1900 Census information not found

1910 Census

1910 Census information not found

1920 Census

1920 Census information not found

Enslaver Information

Name: William Barrickman Location: Oldham County, KY
Previous Enslaver:
Enslaver Notes:

The enslaver, William Barrickman, initially identified from the soldier’s ledger, resided in Oldham County, KY, households in which he was not the head of in 1850 and 1860. While the enslaver was not the head of household at his residence in 1850, he still was shown on Slave Schedules as having one enslaved individual that year, a Black, Male, 12 years of age. Based on the soldier’s year of birth, 1844, it suggests the possibility that this 12 year old young man may not have been the soldier. It is also noted that on the 1850 and 1860 population census schedules, the enslaver was shown as living in a household headed by Mary Muster, 90 years of age (1850) and B.M. Head, 40 years of age (1860). The enslaver, shown as a farmer on the 1860 census, had no real estate values reflected but was shown to have a personal estate of $3400.

By 1880, the enslaver, now 53 yoa, is head of his household. He is married to Elizabeth, 20 years his junior. They have 4 children ranging in age from 2 to 9 and have 2 servants, both of whom are White.




1850 Enslaver Census

1850 Census Link: View
1850 Slave Schedule Link: View
1850 Number of Enslaved: 1

1860 Enslaver Census

1860 Census Link: View
1860 Real Estate Value: 1860 Personal Estate Value: 3400
1860 Number of Enslaved:

1870 Enslaver Census

1870 Census information not found

1880 Enslaver Census

Compensation Information

Compensation Application not found

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