George Basket Soldier Details and Documents

Soldier Information

Name: George Basket
Place of Birth: Shelby KY Year of Birth: 1821
Eyes: Black Hair: Black Complexion: Black
Height in Feet:
5 Inches: 5
View Ledger

Enlistment Information

Enlistment Date: September 12, 1864
Enlistment Place: Louisville
Enlistment State: KY

Compiled Military Service Record

Document: View
Congressional District: 4th
Company: K Regiment(s): 107th Regt USCI
Mustered Where: Louisville, KY
Mustered Out Date:
Rank at Muster Out:

Though there is no compensation form for the enslaver in the George Basket’s CMSR file, his enslaver’s name (signature, perhaps) Henry C. Offut, is on the USCT Enlistment form at the very bottom, under the signature of the mustering officer (p. 10 of 24). It is not noted anywhere on the form or within the CMSR that he was the enslaver of George Basket — Henry C. Offut is identified as Basket’s enslaver in the Descriptive Ledger.

Soldier Death Information

Died in war? Yes
Military Death Date: October 10, 1864
Military Death Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Military Cause of Death: Measles
Death Date: October 10, 1864
Cause of Death: Measles
Death Certificate

Soldier Pension Information

No pension card found

Widow Pension Information

Widow Pension Card: Pension Card
Widow Application Date: January 10, 1866
Application No.: 118974 Certificate No.: 82783

Other Family Pension Information

Pension Card Link: View
Application Date: September 6, 1869
Application No.: 179378 Certificate No.: 135291

Pension File Information

Pension File: Pension File
Pensioners:    Anna Basket
Penelope Baskett

Pensioner County:  Marion Pensioner State: IN
Number of Pages:
Pension Notes:

George Basket (107th USCI Co. K.) was enrolled on September 12, 1864, and mustered on September 13, 1864, at Louisville, Kentucky. He died on October 10, 1864 of measles. George was married to Mira Ann Basket and had five children: Kitty Basket, Penelope Basket, Anna Lou Basket, Laura Basket, and Lyndsay Basket. Children, Anna and Penelope Baskett, lived in Marion County, Indiana.

The pension is filed for the minors only. According to the documents, the minors’ parents (George and Mira Basket) were married in September 1854, shown by credible witnesses who were present and stated they have known the parties as husband and wife for fifteen years. The widow of George Basket, Mira Basket, remarried in 1869.

Freedman’s Bank/Freedmen’s Bureau Information

No Freedman’s Bank information found
Notes from Freedmen’s Bureau Documents:
The only Freedmen’s Bureau Document mentioning George Basket is a actually a document for a soldier named Benjamin Hall, Private, K Co. 107th reg. Notes says Benjamin Hall was the slave of Sus. Hall. Further into the ‘remarks’ section, there is mention of two other soldiers whose names precede and follow Hall’s name on the company roll calls. It mentions Private George Basket “died in _____(can’t make out word) Hospital Louisville, KY Oct 10/64” and then goes on to mention Private George Hart, how he died and when.

Family Information

Mother First Name:   Mother Maiden Name: 
Father First Name:   Father Last Name:

Wife #1 First Name: Mira Maiden Name: Venable
Wife #2 First Name:  Maiden Name:
Wife #3 First Name:  Maiden Name:
Children: Anna Lue Basket 1862
Penelope Basket 1864
Lindsay Basket 1854
Kitty Basket 1855
Laura Basket 1860

Family Notes:

The mother of the children is named Mira. She married a man named Henry after George’s death in the Civil War. Second pension for George states that he was married to Mira with more children: Lindsay, Kitty, Laura. Widow’s pension is 5 pages in length. George Basket’s pension file includes a handwritten sworn statement Mira Basket declaring the deaths of three of her five children. The three who died are as follows: Lindsey Basket died Aug 20, 1868; Kitty Basket died July 19, 1868; Laura Basket died October 1868 (no day given).

Family Tree:
View Family Tree on Please note: this requires a paid account to view

1870 Census

1870 Census information not found

1880 Census

1880 Census Link: View
1880 Profession:  Keeping house
1880 Live with/near former enslaver?  No
1880 Ability to Read? Cannot read Ability to Write?  Cannot write
1880 Census Notes:

Mira aka Mary Cline was, again enumerated in the household with her second husband, Henry Cline. A son, age nine, and Penelope Basket (15) and Annie Basket (19) resided in the household. Penelope and Annie were listed as step-daughters to Henry Cline. Henry’s occupation was laborer.

1890 Census

1890 Census information not found

1900 Census

1900 Census information not found

1910 Census

1910 Census information not found

1920 Census

1920 Census information not found

Enslaver Information

Name: H. C. Offut Location: District 2, Shelby, KY
Previous Enslaver:
Enslaver Notes:

The 1860 federal census schedule for H. C. (Henry) Offut is barely legible, but it has been linked in the database.

1850 Enslaver Census

1850 Census Link: View
1850 Slave Schedule Link: View
1850 Number of Enslaved: 22

1860 Enslaver Census

1860 Census Link: View
1860 Real Estate Value: 28150 1860 Personal Estate Value: 21500
1860 Slave Schedule Link: View
1860 Number of Enslaved: 20

1870 Enslaver Census

1870 Census Link: View
1870 Real Estate Value: 40,000 1870 Personal Estate Value: 7480

1880 Enslaver Census

1880 Census information not found

Compensation Information

Compensation Application not found

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