John Talbott Soldier Details and Documents

Soldier Information

Name: John Talbott
Place of Birth: Nelson KY Year of Birth: 1819
Eyes: Dark Hair: Dark Complexion: Dark
Height in Feet:
5 Inches: 5.5
View Ledger

Enlistment Information

Enlistment Date: August 27, 1864
Enlistment Place: Louisville
Enlistment State: KY

Compiled Military Service Record

Document: View
Congressional District: 4
Company: H Regiment(s): 107th USCI
Mustered Where: Louisville, Kentucky
Mustered Out Date: November 22, 1866
Rank at Muster Out: Pvt

The Soldier’s name was written many ways throughout CMSR: “Talbott, Talbot,Talbatt, Talbert, Tolbolt, Talbert”. He is indexed as Talbott. “Owner” noted to be “Penelton Talbott” on Enlistment Paper. Ledger notes Certificate given: ” Nov 29 1865″. Soldier Served as a “teamster”. The CMSR noted July 1865: “Detached as teamster in Barracks wagon train since Jan 19 1865”. Soldier was stationed in Morehead City, N.C. & Washington D.C.

Soldier Death Information

Died in war? No
Military Death Date:
Military Death Location:
Military Cause of Death:
Death Date: January 1, 1890
Cause of Death:

Soldier Pension Information

Pension Card Link: Pension Card
Pension Application Date: March 20, 1889
Application No.: 695694 Certificate No.: 518920
Alternate First Name: Alternate Last Name:

Widow Pension Information

Widow Pension Card: Pension Card
Widow Application Date: September 30, 1890
Application No.: 462417 Certificate No.:

Other Family Pension Information

Pension Card Link: View
Application Date: August 30, 1894
Application No.: 600529 Certificate No.:

Pension File Information

Pension File:

Pensioner County:  Pensioner State: (Choose One)
Number of Pages:

Pension Notes:

Soldier applied for a pension 20 March 1889 Ky . Cert No crossed out and noted as cancelled. Widow applied for pension 1890 Sep 30 Ky. Cert No. not given. A Mother’s pension was filed 30 Sept 1894. Mother’s name noted to be “Fields, Mary Francis (Tolbert)”. Soldier was 45 upon enlistment in 1864 which computes to a birth year of 1819, which results in an estimated age 71 the year of his death. If Mary Fields was the soldier’s mother, she would have been at least 87 (based on an earliest fertility of 12 years old).

Freedman’s Bank/Freedmen’s Bureau Information

No Freedman’s Bank information found

No Freedmen’s Bureau Documents found

Family Information

Mother First Name:  Mary Mother Maiden Name: 
Father First Name:   Father Last Name:

Wife #1 First Name: Canary Maiden Name:
Wife #2 First Name:  Maiden Name:
Wife #3 First Name:  Maiden Name:

Family Notes:

Per Widow Pension Card, Section 3 of this data base. Here are recorded the names of the Soldier’s wife and mother. Soldier’s Will probated Nelson Co Ky 11 Nov 1890 states his wife is Canary Talbott and upon her death Soldier wills all property to his married granddaughter, Canary Young, and her children. The will also stipulates that Soldiers’s step son Joe Gore may live on the willed property so long as he remains unmarried. From this it appears soldier had one child who is the parent of his granddaughter Canary Young.

Family Tree: View
View Family Tree on Please note: this requires a paid account to view

1870 Census

1870 Census information not found

1880 Census

1880 Census information not found

1890 Census

1890 Census information not found

1900 Census

1900 Census information not found

1910 Census

1910 Census information not found

1920 Census

1920 Census information not found

Enslaver Information

Name: Penelton (Pendleton) Talbott Location: Nelson County, Kentucky
Previous Enslaver:
Enslaver Notes:

Penelton Talbott was documented as the enslaver; however, it appears that his father Dan Talbott may have been the enslaver of record in 1850 and 1860, according to the slave schedules.

1850 Enslaver Census

1850 Census Link: View
1850 Slave Schedule Link: View
1850 Number of Enslaved: 7

1860 Enslaver Census

1860 Census Link: View
1860 Real Estate Value: 20900 Father & 600 Son(enslaver of record) 1860 Personal Estate Value: 7000 Father & 1500 son (enslaver of record)
1860 Slave Schedule Link: View
1860 Number of Enslaved: 7

1870 Enslaver Census

1870 Census Link: View
1870 Real Estate Value: 6500 1870 Personal Estate Value: 500

1880 Enslaver Census

Compensation Information

Compensation Application not found

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