Joshua Jones Soldier Details and Documents

Soldier Information

Name: Joshua Jones
Place of Birth: Nelson KY Year of Birth: 1843
Eyes: Black Hair: Black Complexion: Copper
Height in Feet:
5 Inches: 7
View Ledger

Enlistment Information

Enlistment Date: September 9, 1864
Enlistment Place: Lebanon
Enlistment State: KY

Compiled Military Service Record

Document: View
Congressional District: 4th
Company: L Regiment(s): 13th USCHA
Mustered Where: Lebanon, Kentucky
Mustered Out Date: October 16, 1865
Rank at Muster Out: Corporal

Also served in Co. C, 72nd Regt. USCI
CMSR #1: 8 pages
Page 1: Joshua Jones
Company L, 13 Regiment, USC H. Art’y
Page 2: age: 21
Height 5’7”
Complexion: copper
Eyes and hair: black
Born: Nelson Co., KY
Occupation: laborer
Enlisted Sept. 19, 1864, at Lebanon, KY, for 1 year
Page 3: roll: mustered in Sept. 19, 1864, Lebanon
Remarks: appointed corporal, Feb. 18, 1865; drafted
Page 5: roll of men transferred from Co. C, 72 regiment, USC Infantry
Page 7: muster-out roll, Lexington, KY, Oct. 16, 1865 (muster-out date)
Remarks: mustered out by reason of expiration of term of service.
Page 8: muster-out roll, Louisville, Nov. 18, 1865
Remarks: discharged Oct. 18, 1865 by expiration of term.
CMSR #2 (4 pages)
Page 1: Co. C., Corporal, 72 regiment, USC Inf.
Page 3: roll dated Louisville, Feb. 18, 1865;
Born Nelson Co.
Age 26
Eyes and hair: black
Complexion: copper
Height 5’7”
Mustered in Sept. 19, 1864, in Lebanon
Page 4: appointed corporal, Feb. 18, 1865
Note at bottom reads that the 72 Regiment USC Inf. was discontinued July 3, 1865, and men
transferred to the 13 regiment USC heavy artillery, and other regiments.

Soldier Death Information

Died in war? No
Military Death Date:
Military Death Location:
Military Cause of Death:
Death Date: April 19, 1915
Cause of Death: Cardiac asthma
Death Certificate

Soldier Pension Information

Pension Card Link: Pension Card
Pension Application Date: July 8, 1889
Application No.: 715803 Certificate No.: 732226
Alternate First Name: Alternate Last Name:

No widow pension card found

No other family pension card found

Pension File Information

Pension File:

Pensioner County:  Pensioner State:
Number of Pages:

Pension Notes:

Jones applied for his pension on July 8, 1889, from Kentucky. No other names appeared on the pension index card.

Freedman’s Bank/Freedmen’s Bureau Information

No Freedman’s Bank information found

No Freedmen’s Bureau Documents found

Family Information

Mother First Name:  Eliza Mother Maiden Name: Isaacs
Father First Name:  Bill Father Last Name: Jones

Wife #1 First Name: Winne A Maiden Name: Hedges
Wife #2 First Name:  Maiden Name:
Wife #3 First Name:  Maiden Name:
Children: Maria Jones 1866
Eliza Jones 1868
Ophelia Jones 1874
Douglas Jones 1877
Lula Jones 1877

Family Notes:

According to his death certificate, Joshua Jones died on April 19, 1915, in Shelbyville. The names of his parents were listed on the certificate. The 1900 census reported that Winnie Jones was the mother of 13 children, 6 of whom were living. Names of their grandchildren have not yet been identified.

Family Tree: View
View Family Tree on Please note: this requires a paid account to view

1870 Census

1870 Census Link: View
1870 Profession: Farm Laborer
1870 Live with/near former enslaver? Unknown
1870 Real Estate Value: 1870 Personal Estate Value:
1870 Ability to Read? Cannot read Ability to Write? Cannot write
1870 Census Notes:

In 1870 Joshua Jones, his wife Winnie, and two daughters (Maria and Eliza) resided in Nelson County, Kentucky.

1880 Census

1880 Census Link: View
1880 Profession:  Farm Laborer
1880 Live with/near former enslaver?  Unknown
1880 Ability to Read? Cannot read Ability to Write?  Cannot write
1880 Census Notes:

Ten years later the family continued to live in Nelson County. In addition to Maria and Eliza other children were Ophelia, Douglas, and Lulu/Lula. Winnie and Joshua could not read or write.

1890 Census

1890 Census information not found

1900 Census

1900 Census Link: View
1900 Profession: Farm Laborer
1900 Ability to Read? Cannot read Ability to Write? Cannot write
1900 Own/Rent: Rent 1900 Home Free/Mortgage: Unknown 1900 Farm/House: House
1900 Census Notes:

In 1900 Joshua and Winnie (mother of 13 children, 6 living in 1900) lived in Shelby County, Kentucky, with their married daughter Lula. By 1910 Winnie was deceased.

1910 Census

1910 Census Link: View
1910 Profession: None
1910 Ability to Read? Cannot read Ability to Write? Cannot write
1910 Own/Rent: Rent 1910 Home Free/Mortgage: Unknown 1910 Farm/House: House
1910 Census Notes:

In 1910 Joshua resided in Shelbyville with his married daughter Ophelia Allen who was a mother of 5 children, all living.

1920 Census

1920 Census information not found

Enslaver Information

Name: Edmund Price Location:
Previous Enslaver:
Enslaver Notes:

Two possible candidates for the enslaver Edmund Price were located in the 1850 population schedule of the federal census — one in Greenup County, Kentucky, born in 1842 — the other in Lawrence County, Kentucky, born in 1838. It is not known if one of them was the soldier’s enslaver. No other person named “Edmund Price” was located in federal census records, population, or slave schedule.

1850 Enslaver Census

1850 Census information not found

1860 Enslaver Census

1860 Census information not found

1870 Enslaver Census

1870 Census information not found

1880 Enslaver Census

1880 Census information not found

Compensation Information

Compensation Application not found

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