Owen Mackie Soldier Details and Documents

Soldier Information

Name: Owen Mackie
Alias: Jones
Place of Birth: Nelson KY Year of Birth: 1839
Eyes: Black Hair: Black Complexion: Black
Height in Feet:
5 Inches: 10.5
View Ledger

Enlistment Information

Enlistment Date: August 26, 1864
Enlistment Place: Louisville
Enlistment State: KY

Compiled Military Service Record

Document: View
Congressional District: 4th
Company: H Regiment(s): 107th USCI
Mustered Where: Louisville, Kentucky
Mustered Out Date:
Rank at Muster Out:

Soldier noted as “absent” on Muster Roll Mch & Apr 1865. Remarks: “sick in hospital 10 A.C. since Mch 15/65″. ” “Apr 1865 Absent sick in hosp Pt of Rocks, Va”; “May 1865 Absent sick in hosp Ft Monroe, Va”; “June 1865 Loss: May 17/65 Goldsboro, N.C. Died in hosp”

Soldier Death Information

Died in war? Yes
Military Death Date: May 17, 1865
Military Death Location: Goldsboro, North Carolina
Military Cause of Death: Chronic diarrhea
Death Date: May 17, 1865
Cause of Death: Chronic Diarrhea

Soldier Pension Information

No pension card found

Widow Pension Information

Widow Pension Card: Pension Card
Widow Application Date: April 11, 1866
Application No.: 124.853 Certificate No.: 81932

Other Family Pension Information

Pension Card Link: View
Application Date:
Application No.: 225043 Certificate No.:

Pension File Information

Pension File: Pension File
Pensioners:    Nancy Mackie
Samuel Mackie

Pensioner County:  Nelson Pensioner State: KY
Number of Pages:
Pension Notes:

Owen Mackie died on May 17, 1865 of chronic diarrhea in Goldsboro, NC. Owen and Nancy Mackie were married on July 8, 1860 and had one child, Samuel Mackie, born on May 21, 1861. The two were married in a Catholic church in Fairfield, KY. When asked why she went by the name of Jones, Nancy replied that Jones was her husband’s last name before he went into the army. When Owen enlisted, he took the name of “Mackie.” Nancy remarried to James Booker on April 7, 1869. Nancy possibly also had the surname of Cowley. The enslaver of the soldier was John Mackee. Deposition from Elizabeth Tucker and Martha Allen on pages 37-38.

Freedman’s Bank/Freedmen’s Bureau Information

Freedman’s Bank Link: View
Freedman’s Bank Notes:

Possible record found for this soldier’s widow. Nancy Mackie. record states she is widow of A [Owen or Wm?] Mackie. of Ky 108. Subject soldier was in the Ky 107. Further research needed to determine if this is the correct soldier. All other demographic info correlates with the known Nancy Mackie: Place of birth Nelson Co Ky, Residence Bardstown Ky. Signed with her mark. Per census records soldier’s widow Nancy Mackie Booker could not read or write.

No Freedmen’s Bureau Documents found

Family Information

Mother First Name:   Mother Maiden Name: 
Father First Name:   Father Last Name:

Wife #1 First Name: Nancy Maiden Name: unknown
Wife #2 First Name:  Maiden Name:
Wife #3 First Name:  Maiden Name:
Children: Samuel Mackie 1861

Family Notes:

Child known from Widow Nancy Mackie pension application. Per widow’s pension application Samuel was the only issue of the widow and the soldier. In March of 1876 Samuel’s guardian was noted as James Booker per the widow’s pension file. Soldier’s wife Nancy Mackie married James Booker 20 Apr 1869 Jefferson Co Ky.

Family Tree: View
View Family Tree on Ancestry.com Please note: this requires a paid Ancestry.com account to view

1870 Census

1870 Census information not found

1880 Census

1880 Census information not found

1890 Census

1890 Census information not found

1900 Census

1900 Census Link: View
1900 Profession:
1900 Ability to Read? Cannot read Ability to Write? Cannot write
1900 Own/Rent: Rent 1900 Home Free/Mortgage: Unknown 1900 Farm/House: House
1900 Census Notes:

1910 Census

1910 Census Link: View
1910 Profession: Cook private family
1910 Ability to Read? Cannot read Ability to Write? Cannot write
1910 Own/Rent: Rent 1910 Home Free/Mortgage: Unknown 1910 Farm/House: House
1910 Census Notes:

1920 Census

1920 Census information not found

Enslaver Information

Name: John Mackee Location: District 1, Nelson County, Kentucky
Previous Enslaver:
Enslaver Notes:

1850 Enslaver Census

1850 Census Link: View
1850 Slave Schedule Link: View
1850 Number of Enslaved: 14

1860 Enslaver Census

1860 Census Link: View
1860 Real Estate Value: 17000 1860 Personal Estate Value: 15500
1860 Slave Schedule Link: View
1860 Number of Enslaved: 19

1870 Enslaver Census

1870 Census Link: View
1870 Real Estate Value: 22000 1870 Personal Estate Value: 1800

1880 Enslaver Census

Compensation Information

Compensation Application not found

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