Excerpted from African American Faces of the Civil War by Ronald S. Coddington.
Copyright 2012 by Johns Hopkins University Press. Reprinted by permission of the author and Johns Hopkins University Press. https://www.press.jhu.edu/books/title/10717/african-american-faces-civil-war
635 Jacob Stanford pension file, NARA.
636 Ibid.
637 Ibid.
638 According to Sgt. Taylor, Finley’s master was Dr. Standiford of Louisville, Kentucky. A search of the 1860 Census and Slave Schedules failed to find a physician named Standiford (or variants on this surname) who owned slaves. [subsequent research by Reckoning, Inc. found his enslaver was named Dr. Elijah D. Standiford]
639 Jacob Stanford pension file, NARA.
640 Ibid.
641 Jacob Stanford military service record, NARA.
642 Jacob Stanford pension file, NARA.
643 Ibid.
*Photo courtesy of the Randolph Linsly Simpson African-American Collection, James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection in the Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
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